Địa chỉ: 406/55 Cong Hoa, Phường 13, Quận Tân Bình, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
Điện thoại: 028.38464877 EXT 101 | Fax: (8428) 38464877
Hotline: 0906.613.677 (Ms Sương) - 0932 679 576 ( Ms Thư)
Email: [email protected] - Website: www.hahung.vn
Shipping policy
1. After you order, within 24 hours we will get back to check the information and agreed to add other related terms .
2. A number of special circumstances such as the large value orders & delivery time in the evening , the delivery address in the lane or can lead to danger . We will actively communicate with customers to agree to a specific delivery time .
3. In the event of delivery delays without notice , you can reject the goods and we will refund the entire amount that you pay in advance ( if any) within 7 days .
4. The Company is committed to all the goods sent to you are 100% genuine ( full bill , official warranty ) . The risks incurred during transport ( bumps , wet, accident .. ) may affect the commodity , so please, please examine the goods carefully before signing the receipt . Hop Thanh Thinh will not be responsible for the misleading form of goods after you signed the receipt.